Borrow-lending is one of the fundamental pillars of both TradFi and DeFi markets. Before using DeFi lending products, it is important to understand some the fundamental principles and terminology of borrow-lending.

Types of Lending

Broadly speaking borrow-lending can be categorized into two buckets – under- and overcollateralized lending:

  1. Undercollateralized Lending: Loans where the collateral is less than the loan amount or absent. Examples include credit cards, where a high credit score allows borrowing without collateral.
  2. Overcollateralized Lending: Loans secured by assets worth at least the loan amount, often more. Examples include car loans and mortgages.

<aside> 💡 When you buy a house, you typically put up a deposit of 10-30% of the value of the house and take the rest as a mortgage. If the value of the house is USD 100,000 and you have put up an initial deposit of USD 20,000, that means that you borrowed [100,000 – 20,000 =] USD 80,000 from the bank, and used the USD 100,000 house as collateral.


Undercollateralized lending is generally available in a setup where there is a mechanism in place to enforce the rights of the lender, i.e. a legal system that should ensure borrowers repay their undercollateralized loans or otherwise manage the default process. As DeFi has not yet developed a mechanism that would prevent users from acting maliciously - creating new wallets, taking out undercollateralized loans and disappearing - DeFi borrow-lending is overcollateralized.

Key Terminology